Where He leads we will follow….
at a Time.
We believe that being a Christian is about more than liking Jesus or knowing about Him. It's about becoming like Him. Everyone has a next step to take toward Jesus, whether it’s your first step or one of many in a long journey with God.
What's your NEXT STEP?
Worship Regularly - James 4:8
Worship is your response to who God is and what He’s done for you. When you worship God, you are transformed by God. Worshiping together strengthens and encourages you. Attending church every week is a great place to start.
Get Baptized Acts 2:38
As followers of Jesus, we decide to follow His example and to do the things He asks of us. Jesus was baptized and told us to be baptized.
Do Life Together Mark 3:13-14
Christ offers us a new life - a connected life. Joining a Christ-centered group and creating community with others helps you connect with God and navigate life. Life is better together
Live Differently Matt 16:24-26
God asks you to think and act differently from the world around you. Jesus lived a radically different life. We are called to follow His example
Serve Others Eph 2:10
God has equipped you with skills and talents. Serving at church and in your community represents His kingdom. Service to others is service to God.
Tell SomeOne Matt 28:18-20
The greatest act of love you can show toward a friend is to help that friend find Jesus. The best way to do that is to share Jesus’ story. Everyone knows someone who needs to know more.
Give Generously 2 Cor 8:1-4
Everything we have is a gift from God. He asks you to share His love with the world by being generous with your time and money