Kids Ministry
The church of tomorrow is the way many refer to children and children’s ministry, here at Crosbyton Church of Christ we believe that children are not only the church of tomorrow but also an important part of the church today. This is why we are placing such a strong emphasis on our children's ministry. We are preparing to launch a new era of our children's ministry, where we will take the concept of teaching the entire Bible in a year and add in a interactive learning style, in order to help children engage the stories found in Scripture. We would love to have your family join us as we usher in a new way of sharing God's love with our children!
Youth Ministry
The youth ministry at Crosbyton Church of Christ desires to help teens fall more in love with Jesus. We do our best to introduce teens to Him in everything that we do! Our hope and goal is surround them with relationships that will help them to stand firm on His teachings. Check below to see some of the events that we have going on that are focused on teens. We would love for you to help us in this venture let us know how you would like to be involved.